ginko's Recent Posts

Hey, just a question about La Monte Young's Piano tuning in Aalto and Kaivo - I am copying it into my modular synthesizer to have a play with - I know I should really do some more research but, the sharp/flat keys produce frequencies that are slightly higher than the next note to the right - is this correct or is it supposed to cover a change over octaves or something? I have a lovely patch in Kaivo that I want to be able to play along to with my modular system :)

Next problem to fix is that weird "ping" I get in my Kaivo patch hehe

I think I have it because this sounds right(er) now - I just copied over the flat notes with the previous note in Scala - I will learn how to do things properly in Scala at some point!!

Yeah I have the file appearing - I am trying to edit with Scala now, before I was just editing the text file.

I tried editing the .scl files - I did this but it didn't work (sorry they don't display very well):

! young-lm_piano.scl
LaMonte Young's Well-Tempered Piano

and this:

! young-lm_piano.scl
LaMonte Young's Well-Tempered Piano

I will try the .kbm route next

Well I tried it a couple of ways and can't seem to get it to work, is it possible to modify / add to the .scl files?

Creating a new .scl appeared in the instruments, but doesn't seem to work properly.

Also, from playing with it today, it makes much more sense musically if you omit Ab and Db as the page suggests :) I just built a simple max patch to generate random 3 part chords to listen to the harmonic relationship - now I know why my initial experiments sounded so weird!!

Is it possible to edit or add to the scales included with Aalto/Kaivo?

Edit: so I just looked at the .scl file - I guess the easiest way to modify would be to copy the file:

! young-lm_piano.scl
LaMonte Young's Well-Tempered Piano

I guess that the (12) indicates the number of notes per octave, so if I made that 10 and took out the intervals that don't sound so good then that would do it? Otherwise I will just filter the midi data somehow

Ah yeah - that site does actually say "note the scale does not uniformly ascend"

Did you use this site? I might try working it out in Max/MSP. I did get some really nice stuff going between Kaivo and my modular system - I have two modules that can record and store CV with non-volatile memory so I am building stuff around that at the minute. Should get some recordings down!

Hello, first post - is there a search function on the forum? if not can I request that one is added ;)

I have a patch in Max/MSP based on the Indian 22 Shruti system - I wanted to directly control Aalto using data from that, I have used midi control from Max and changed some params successfully, but I am having problems controlling the pitch control directly:

I am using the param osc_pitch and so the message is (osc_pitch $1) when I plug a float in, I can change the pitch control as expected. But when I plug in the pitch control from a float determined by the Shruti patch, the pitch control in Aalto jumps to 3520 A7 (maximum?) and then won't respond unless I reload the plug-in.

I am not using numbers outside the expected values as far as I can see, as i can manually adjust the float object. The float object at the end of the Shruti patch can either jump between values, or it can slide using a line object, but it is still just a float!

Any ideas here??

Charlie, you are a legend!

This isn't working for me either unfortunately :( with the AU version, it just sets the pitch to A0 regardless of the number I put in

OK cool! Thanks Randy, trying this now

Ah I found the problem, the pitch expects to have a value between 0. and 1. - I don't know how I thought it was working before.

Ok - does anyone know how to scale actual frequencies to play back accurately(ish)? would I do something like (scale 0 3520 0. 1.)

EDIT: Ok, so now I discovered that the osc_pitch param between 0. and 1. is a logarithmic function aaaargh :P I think I have the formula for this somewhere...

I have two vst~ objects running two instances of Aalto in Max/MSP. When I alter a parameter through Max (say something like filter_cutoff $1) it effects both instances of vst~ as if Max/MSP can't differentiate between them, any tips on getting around this?

Hey, sorry - I have been scratching my head over this for days - and it turned out it was just a bogus argument using send and receive objects!! there is no problem using multiple instances of vst~

I spotted the problem as I was writing the e-mail to you and explaining the patch. Thanks for the offer to help!
