paul_vervoort's Recent Posts

No problem at all about the lost patches. It's great to read that you already have something in the works for that, and thanks for the explanation!

Such an amazing instrument :-)

Two minor questions about the Gates module:

– Are the two inputs identical?
– Switching on the lopass in Aalto is instantly recognizable. In Sumu it seems to be much more subtle, to the point that I can barely hear the difference. Is the lopass implementation in Sumu that much more subtle, or is this the result of the source material (more "full-on" in Aalto, for lack of a better word, versus more subtle in Sumu) leading to a less noticeable lopass-gate effect?

Edit: oh and a very minor thing: muscle memory from Aalto, where clicking the preset title in the menu bar allows me to save preset, has erased my work in Sumu on a few occasions; in Sumu, clicking the preset title in the menu bar switches the preset. Not a big deal but perhaps good to be aware of that 'inconsistency', if that's what you want to call it.

Hi there,

This problem happens quite frequently and it doesn't seem to be user error to me. I use an M1 Macbook Pro running Sonoma 14.5, the latest version of Ableton Live 11 and the latest version of the Aalto VST.

I've recorded a video here: (just click x on the Dropbox login prompt).

Unfortunately the video is without audio but you can see the green audio indicator in the channel. If you follow my cursor in the lower left corner you'll see me playing MIDI notes (the yellow indicator before the plugin), then suddenly audio stops and Aalto no longer emits audio while I keep playing MIDI notes.

The plugin doesn't freeze but the way audio cuts out is definitely not a logical result of the patching, and it happens on various patches. It's as if there's some kind of internal overload and -wam-, no more sound. The only way to resolve it is to load up a new instance of the plugin.

Would be great if you could have a look at this because it's becoming quite cumbersome :-) Thanks!

Sure thing! Thanks Randy.

Will visual indicators be added along the way, similar to how Aalto displays visual animated feedback where a connection is made?


I don't want to pollute the forum so I'm pasting it here.. Sumu sounds insane! :-)

Sumu:User/Hardcore Pad2.mlpreset:1204 bytes

FYI, I think I have introduced a bug affecting performance on MacOS / Intel. In a previous beta, it was running fine on my 2015 Retina MBP and that's a machine I am targeting. But on reading the reports of unusable performance I tried the latest beta and it's behaving much as people describe: unusable. I'll look into this ASAP.

That is a relief! Good luck!

Congratulations on the release!

I've already sent this over email but I'll add here for the sake of overview:

On my 2021 M1 Macbook Pro with 16 GB memory running Sonoma 14.4.1 and Ableton Live 11.3.25, the AU ramps up CPU usage in Ableton Live to 50% with one instance, and the VST3 results in a whopping 63%.

Setting voices to 4 in a simple patch results in 80% cpu usage, 16 voices and it goes to a constant 170–200% cpu, becoming unusable.

I know that an M1 Macbook Pro isn't the latest technology but it's by no means ancient, so I'm hoping this is not expected behaviour. Sumu sounds amazing but having to buy a new Macbook Pro over it, even for me, is a bridge too far ;-)

(I reported the VST3 sound wasn't working; that seems to have been user error.)