ForumsSoftware ← Aalto/Kaivo for iPad?


Is there any interest or intention for developing Aalto or Kaivo for iPad sometime in the future? My current favorite synth is Propellerhead Thor for iPad, mostly because you can program complex evolving sounds with the sequencer and mod matrix, and then perform with them easily with the touch screen. Aalto and Kaivo would obviously be amazing for stuff like that too, what do you think?

I'm definitely interested! For me the most exciting feature would be making patches with the iPad, then taking them back to the studio for production.

It's not coming anytime soon though. I have another plugin planned first, and there is only me doing the programming.

Good to hear! Yeah, you can export Thor patches from the iPad to Reason really easily, it's a great workflow.

I agree with dale about Thor being excellent for iPad. I would love Aalto for iPad, I think it is so deep that a direct port of it would yield hours of subway / cafe / park exploration.

looking for it on audiobus2 !! also using audiomux/midimux tethered to macbook over usb.

but, another plugin... also good!

Another plugin!!!??? Shut up and take my money ;)

Thanks Randy!