Kaivo stops responding to MIDI note messages when OSC is active. I want to retain control of gates derived from MIDI notes while using the Soundplane to control Kaivo (with OSC active). Is this configuration possible? Did I overlook something?
Nope, Midi is note/cc input is deactivated when OSC is active.
(but plugin automation is still possible)
out of interest, why not just use the pitch/gate from the OSC inputs?
I'd like access to the OSC inputs while still being able to use MIDI quantization relative to a DAW transport. For example, using a MIDI arpeggiator > Kaivo while still having OSC control. This isn't possible if OSC disables Kaivo's ability to respond to MIDI notes.
Randy, would it be possible to lift this restriction?
I could see this being useful in the future with OSC parameters that I plan to add at some point. Some you could modulate with OSC while plying a MIDI sequence.
Right now OSC just plays notes, yes? So the OSC information would always be fighting with the MIDI and might result in a lot of stuck notes and confusion. What would you be trying to control?
Any patchable parameter! An OSC note/gate bypass would be needed in the Soundplane client.
So, you mean using OSC through the mod outputs in the KEY module? That part was not clear.
Currently the KEY module is either listening to MIDI or OSC, but not both. I think a combination is likely to be confusing if not done carefully. I hear what you want to do though, and it's a reasonable thing.
I think the way to go might be using OSC parameters directly (not through the patcher.) this way the KEY module stays simple and you can send a parameter directly to whatever you want, not limited to having only 3. You would need to program the zones in the Soundplane app with the right controller names.
Ah!!!! I did overlook something. OSC direct to Kaivo.
Soundplane touches can conjur the OSC data to target and send to Kaivo, while the Kaivo KEY module listens to MIDI.
It felt like I was making this extra complicated.
Thank you.
Another question: Are there Soundplane App examples of OSC zones?
I'm familiar with the MIDI zone examples but didn't notice any OSC zone examples.
Or were you referring to manipulating the Soundplane Apps OSC data in Max/MSP (or similar) to target the desired behavior?
with "OSC parameters directly" I meant the way to go in a future world where I have written that feature. Sorry to disappoint. The feature will be Aalto / Kaivo recognizing parameter changes over OSC directly. I plan to do this in the next version, I can see a lot of uses for it.
The Soundplane part should be working. You can put an OSC controller address into the zone, and it should send out values on that address. But Aalto / Kaivo are not listening for them.
Question, which unfortunately I think is related :(
how can I change presets when OSC is active?
Im assuming if your not listening to midi then I cannot sent a program change?
or have i missed something obvious?
Yes, I never thought about wanting to change the program via OSC. After 1.6 is released I'll see if I can allow some MIDI along with the OSC without breaking anything.
a thought, if I setup 2 different midi controllers to talk to any VST (via midi), I fully appreciate that sending the same note/cc from both controllers will possibly lead to oddities. so perhaps to some extent, this is 'the users problem' :)
saying that, aalto/kaivo (osc), and some other VSTs (e.g. u-he in poly mode) already seem to handle this situation, as I can send in the same note twice already from my eigenharp/soundplane due to duplicate notes on the surfaces, and the note plays twice.
(can be nice if they are not sync'd :))
anyway, sure post 1.6... which Im hoping will bring me multi instances, which will cover me for this purposes for the time being (albeit a bit cpu intensive).
is aalto getting more voice in 1.6 ... I could do with ~6, and I think my CPUs can cope :)
The program change message doesn't need to go through the KEY module events stuff, so it works even when receiving t3d.
Aalto is not getting more voices in 1.6, I'm saving that for a future release.
I'm looking at the SoundplaneZonesOSC max patch and have a question about receiving note & controller data over OSC. Will the OSC maintain full data resolution when reading data those .json MIDI zones? I'm hoping to maintain as much resolution as possible and will avoid zones if it comes at some kind of resolution cost.
Anything that gets sent out is because of a zone that tells the app what to send. Zones, both for notes and controllers, send out either OSC or MIDI or both depending on whether those are active in the Soundplane app. So, the short answer is there is no loss in resolution.
[quote]with "OSC parameters directly" I meant the way to go in a future world where I have written that feature. Sorry to disappoint. The feature will be Aalto / Kaivo recognizing parameter changes over OSC directly. I plan to do this in the next version, I can see a lot of uses for it.[/quote]
That is still the case with Aalto 1.7, is that right?
Yes correct, unfortunately no OSC params just yet. I really need to get Virta out ASAP, then I can revisit that.
no problem. I look forward for both, Virta and OSC for Aalto.