ForumsSoftware ← Thank you and some feature requests

First, thankyou thankyou thankyou thankyou thankyou

thankyou very much for Aalto.

Now, I have some ideas/suggestions.
1) External clock for sequencer.
Two options: clock sequencer with note on from
another MIDI track or use one note from same MIDI
track (something like lowest MIDI note or some user
defined note) to clock sequencer (that pll drift is great but infew occasions I want tight sequence or uneven stepping trough sequence)

2) Add Modulator->Carrier amplitude/ring modulation
along with FM

3) Variation on Carrier oscillator: shape is mix
between sine and saw/square. In some situations even
small amounts of saw and square produce too much HF
buzz. Now, there is that trick where if you take sine
osc out and put it in FM input you get saw-alike wave
(similar if you feedback sqaured output you get
square-alike wave). It works very good and it's very
stable in digital domain even with high feedback
amount if some filtering is applyed in feedback path.
So idea is to have another mode for carrier: shape
parameter would increase feedback on one side (and
feedback of squared output on other) and there would
be no mixing of wavefolder and waveshaper blocks but
rather waveshaper (carrier it self in this case)
would allways feed wavefolder (i guess some
additional stuff like dropping fback/shape amount at
high folding amount would be needed at higher

4) Separate outputs for Modulator and Carrier for
modular routing (for stuff like filter FM and

5) Add option for bandpass filter in waveguide loop
instead of peaking filter

6) Add mod input for gate decay

7) Numerical input. In few occasions I want very very
precise control of some parameter value, so something
like "right click for popup where you eneter value
from keyboard" would be nice.

That's it (for now :) ), and I wish happy 2013. to


Thanks for all this feedback! I am considering all of these ideas, even I don't reply point by point. Some of these things are for sure doable and will show up at some point in the future. Please keep in touch.