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FIXED BECAUSE STUPID: I didn't notice my buffer size was on super low. I put it at 512 and things are smooth as butter. Sorry for the false alarm - great plugins!


I hope this is good enough etiquette, but I'm having the same problem as refracted so I figured i would add a comment here rather than start a new topic. I have an early 2015 macbook pro, 2.7 GHz intel core i5, and 8 GB of RAM, and Aalto and Kaivo are running CRAZY high CPU surges on my computer and the audio crackles constantly while I play the instrument. Just loading them up, the default patch for both of them instantly jolt the CPU meter to 35-45%. On a Kaivo percussion patch I'm getting up to 74% r. I know these are cpu-heavy plugins, but that's ridiculous!! I demoed these about 5 months ago and had no cpu problems at all, only reaching extreme highs when I when doing polyphonic stuff with them, and I finally decided to purchase them with the winter sale going on, and i can't use them at all. Is there any way at all to fix this, even a little bit?