griffeyt53's Recent Posts
Thank you Randy for the Virta as a VST effect update. Your hard work is much appreciated! TG
Setup= Mac, BW1.3.6
Controller=Roli Rise 25 in MPE mode, global channel set to 1 and 2-9 for voices
When Aalto gets set to MPE mode, there is no audio output. BW indicates incoming midi. When testing this configuration in Logic or Cubase with the track channel set to "Any" the MPE behavior is as expected.
When setting Aalto to midi mode and the Rise to single channel midi mode with the three DAWs, behavior is also as expected.
Thank you TTB! That did the trick. I somehow missed the posting about this in KVR. Your help is much appreciated!
Thanks for the immediate response Randy. Same behavior with Kaivo, Rise and the three DAWs.
You are correct that I was only using the BODY module. Thanks for the feedback. Makes perfect sense.
Creating some new patches using MPE for Kaivo. Testing setup:
DAW - Cubase 8.5 with channel set to "ANY" to pass data directly to Kaivo
Controllers: Linnstrument in "Channel per note" mode with "Y" set to CC 74 and "Z" set to AT and Roli Rise in MPE mode with the default "Slide" set to CC 74 and "Press" set to the default channel pressure and both scaled completely linear.
Kaivo - in MPE mode 8 voices and bend set to 24
(Tracking all output via Midi monitor - great little app!)
When mapping the aftertouch OR the "Y" (CC 74) outputs from the KEY module to other modules, the changes in the other modules are minimal and do not approach a linear change slope even if the dial control is "wide open" (positive or negative). However, as more notes are played simultaneously, the change slope begins to approach linear as the number of simultaneously played notes approach the limit, IF, all the notes change their controller values in the same direction. When testing four note ons, with two notes increasing their controller values and two notes simultaneously decreasing their controller values, there is little to no change in the module receiving the changes.
The perception is that there is some "averaging" going on between the changes on all channels and a single output being sent to the receiving module. Is this intended or perhaps a bug?
Hopefully I have explained this clearly. Thanks a bunch!
I notice when switching to MPE mode, that the +1 and +2 switch to x and y. I'm assuming that is for two of the three controller dimensions. How does AALTO know which controller# is x and which one is Y? Thanks!
Thanks Randy! Much appreciated! TG