jbrogers's Recent Posts
ok my problem (i'm a UI designer, duh) is that I don't understand the "on" state of the checkboxes in the MIDI and OSC sections. I thought "gray" was ON and "white" was off, but I randomly clicked them and I'm getting signal, still not sure what white and gray mean, but everything's going great now!
ok i'm able to see the soundplane in the MIDI FROM dropdown on an instrument column, and i see my touches in the soundplane app, but nothing's coming through as a midi signal in Live. alternate midi sources working fine.
Hello, late to the party here... Gloria how did you get Ableton live to see the Soundplane? It's not coming up as a control surface in the ableton MIDI tab, and I'm not getting any signal from the Soundplane?
I'm having trouble finding a link to download the soundplane software... I finally bought a music MacbookPro