randy's Recent Posts
Just copy to your clipboard on Mac or Windows, then choose "Paste from Clipboard" from the preset menu.
Welcome aboard!
No worries Tom. Glad things are clicking!
Hi Tom,
The voice signal sends a different signal to each voice, offset by a constant amount. It's like a voice index, represented as a constant signal. Then those values are multiplied by the scale dials at the inputs. You know there's a manual that covers this stuff, right? ;-) Just sayin'.
It's a rotary cut, which accounts for the lines. I don't really remember what species-- that was a while ago. I'm using walnut these days. More Soundplane info next week BTW.
Any input in the patcher can be controlled by the voices output. The patcher lets you connect any output to any input.
People helping people... I like to see this! Thanks garf.
I want to add that Aalto is a lot like most any keyboard polysynth, really. There is one front panel with settings that control all the voices. The settings are always the same for each voice, just like your Jupiter 6 or whatever, until the "voice" signal is used in the patcher.
I think it's the patching, or the ability to view each voice in the UI, that makes this seem more complicated than it really is.
Glad to hear it!
Hi Dave,
Each voice has its own independent sequencer. they can run at completely independent rates. Aalto's front panel shows you outputs from all of them.
Please read the manual section on the sequencer, I think it describes this pretty well. And if you have any questions after that, please let me know.
Hi Dave,
The KEY module always sends triggers the voices in a loop, one after the other, unless unison is on. There's more information in the KEY module section in the manual: http://madronalabs.com/downloads/aalto/AaltoManual1.2.pdf
A user with Lion and Maschine wrote in to say it's working well.
Yes, I see the combination of host sync and key trig does not work so well, I'll address this in an update along with the host sync rate multiplier.
Live 8.2.2, Aalto 1.2.6-- Just click "Configure" and select one of the pulse buttons. I just rechecked that this works in both the VST and AU.
I have heard from one Max / MSP user that it's OK. But other than that I don't know. I'll post as soon as I hear something or get a Lion machine and try it myself.
trying again- maybe check your spam folder?
Check your inbox sir!
It's a good question. I'm really deep into Soundplane work right now, so I'd appreciate it if anyone running Lion can share their experiences.
I have talked to one person using Max/MSP as a VST host on Lion, who says that is working fine.
Hi sen,
No worries, this is part of the work...
I think the demo noise is every minute. As you determined, you can't save patches. Other than that it's just like the full version.
I am very happy to announce that the manual for our favorite synthesizer, "Making and organizing sounds with Aalto," is now finished and available. You can download it here:
[4Mb PDF]
I am very happy with the way this document came out, and I hope it adds to the richness of your experience with Aalto, helps you understand what you're doing, helps you make cool sounds. Thanks are due to George Cochrane for jump-starting the writing in his inimitable style, and to David Chandler for the amazing Cascadian-style illustrations.
Updates are free until a 2.0 release, which is not coming soon. I've put out three updates since the 1.0 and plan to do at least a couple more.
When I release an update I email all the customers and let them know it's available. Then they can download their software. The links don't expire until the software is downloaded.
Soon, this information will be obsolete because I'm switching to a new system where you can download your software anytime. I'll be sure to document the new way better on the site here. Any other questions, please ask!
I put the Aalto reverb out as a free AU reverb for Mac a while back. Here it is:
One of these days I'll put out the 64-bit and windows versions of this, and make a page for it.
As to external input, look forward to future products...
Hmm, never seen this before. Odd.
The demo is supposed to be able to access all the presets. If a folder is greyed out, it means there are no readable files in there. So my guess is something went wrong during the demo install.
What I would do is remove the presets completely. This means throwing away
- /Library/Audio/Presets/Madrona Labs/Aalto
- (home)/Library/Audio/Presets/Madrona Labs/Aalto
Then reinstall from your registered installer.
If you get another crash please send the log to support@madronalabs.
by the way
the manual (p.30) explains the preset files and what's readable by VST / AU versions and what the conversion does.
Glad to hear you are up and running! Thanks for sharing the workaround here-- there are so many hosts out there that my response time on host-related issues can't be as fast as I would like. I'll have a look at Mainstage before the next update though.
Thanks for this tip, garf!
Live is the host I test the most, and probably the most people use it. I also put in lots of time making Logic work too because it's so popular.
For a live performance solution I recommend Numerology very highly. No known issues.
Thanks for the report. I'll add Mainstage to my list of less common hosts to test, and fix the problem if I can reproduce one. Sorry it's not working for you.
Are you running Aalto version 1.2.6?
Sorry for the bad experience. Write me at support @ madronalabs and we'll sort it out.
Thanks for the kind words.
Jin's Conrad page at http://www.fancymoon.com/con_s/ gives ordering information for CDs through Wolfgang Seidel.
It's very much still happening. Obviously, Aalto was a big project and took over for quite a while. Now I'm back to Soundplane and working out problems in the prototype. We'll post something as soon as we have a cool demo to post.
I won't say anything about scheduling until the ship announcement. Thanks for your understanding.
The mousewheel code has been hard to get just right on both platforms. So I'm still fiddling with it. I have the same problem that you do now, with my Apple magic mouse, so I'll have another go for the next version-- thanks for your patience.