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Hi Ed, Aalto does not check updates automatically. You can compare the version number in the upper right against the latest version, which will always be listed on the product page. If you sign up to the newsletter, or my Twitter feed, you will get info about new releases.

not just yet...

Converting presets only turns .aupreset into .mlpreset or vice versa. This has nothing to do with the versions.

Any version’s presets will work on that version or higher. Since the upgrades are all free, I recommend to use the latest version when distributing presets.

If you did not see the option to convert, it’s possible the presets were not in the right place, or something else went wrong.

HI Clif,

Thanks for letting me know. I overlooked this possibility with the latest Aalto release and will fix the situation with the next.


Hi Ed,

If this is not working, it’s possible the patches were made in a newer version of Aalto than the one you are pasting them to. In this case I think the paste fails without warning, and I should make Aalto more informative somehow.

The tomatoes are getting orange now, so it’s hard to say.

OK, I added these good ideas to my list. Most likely they will come with a future, fully modular version. Thanks for writing!

Nice idea! I have added it to the virtual whiteboard.

The tunings in the KEY section are all Scala-format tuning files. They are just text files, so if you look up the format you can find out how to make one. Or just copy and edit one of the existing ones to play around with it.

The files are always in the same place on Mac: Library/Audio/Presets/Madrona Labs/Scales. If you have OS X 10.8 you might have to un-hide your Library folder.

I’ll try not to break 10.5 compatibility unless there is a good reason.

Hi there,

It appears I broke support for OS 10.5. Sorry for the inconvenience. I plan to fix this for the next update.

Be advised that support for 10.5 won’t last forever though. It gets harder over time to add new features while keeping backwards compatibility.

They should be with the factory patches in C:/Appdata/Roaming, not in Users. This assumes you are on Windows 7.

Or just search on one of the scale names like "slendro."

This was fixed as posted on the News. Did you get the 1.4.1 version?

Captivating! Great sounds. Thanks for sharing.

Little gems! Very well done and subtle sounds. Thanks for giving such props to Aalto and sharing your patches in a very classy way.

OK, I’ll see if I can get the Renoise demo and check into this.

Aalto should still be working on XP. It’s possible something went wrong with the build though. There are a few reports of things being weird on Windows. I’ll check into it ASAP.

I'm happy to announce that the Aalto 1.4 update for Mac and Windows is live here on the site! This new version offers compatibility improvements, as well as over 100 new presets, improved integration with the Soundplane, and several features requested by users like you.

I have fixed the compatibility issue with Live 9.0.5 I wrote about previously.

1.4 changes:

  • over 100 new presets
  • KEY module now recognizes MIDI sustain messages
  • fixed LFO self loop problem
  • SEQ: quantize now snaps to current scale in KEY module
  • touches over OSC / Soundplane are now quantized on release
  • fixed problem scanning MIDI programs in MainStage
  • fixed possible crash with preset menu in MainStage
  • fixed unison mode for OSC / Soundplane
  • fixed zipper noise in OSC / Soundplane input
  • fixed possible OSC-related crash in Ableton Live
  • fixed a problem with OSC / Soundplane input when UI was not open
  • fixed a problem loading presets with default tuning
  • fixed a problem where window could become stuck after maximizing

As always, if you have an Aalto license, just log in and click on "My Downloads" up there to get the new version.

OK, glad it’s all good... I have seen this before with the Soundplane starting up in a confused state, and restarting the Soundplane always fixes it. BTW, the "gap" message will come up once a while in normal operation.

Yes, it seems kind of odd to have them, because the way the envelopes are set up, there’s no other module that really needs for a trigger in.

And yet, sending pluses to lots of different modules is fun. I remember distinctly playing around with my SH101 and how I would connect CV and gate in reverse sometimes, and get great and unexpected sounds.

Also, the same layout for the sequencer may be used in a future product... one more fully modular...

That’s fine, you can install the registered version over the demo.

Or, just wait for a new installer tomorrow or so with the Logic problem sorted out as well.

Hi Tom,

To help you better I will need some more info!

What OS version are you running?

What do you do before Aalto crashes?

Does it crash every time you do this?

Can you get any crash logs?

If you can pull up any Console output from the time of the crash, this is especially helpful. To do this:

  • launch /Applications/Utilities/Console

  • select "all messages"

  • click and drag to select all output from Mainstage about the crash

  • copy and paste into an email to support@madronalabs.com

Thanks for your help! Mainstage 3 works here for me but I hope to fix your problem ASAP.

What Windows version please?

I’ll try to figure this out as soon as I can.

OK, I extended the sale through today!

An amazing world of machines and sounds you have! This gives me food for thought, always appreciated.

There is no way to embed videos right now, but you can make links using Markdown. I edited your message to add links. Click [?] in /Forums to see the Forums help, or google
"Markdown Syntax."

Running Aalto on 10.5.8 should be fine.

Can you load any other VST instrument plugins in Reaper or Bidule? The Aalto VST has worked well in testing.

The AU problem may be related to the validation issue. I'm dealing with this now and hope to have a fix this week. Sorry for the trouble.

Re: Logic validation, I hope to have a fix for this issue later this week. I think this is a problem with Logic’s validator only, so in the meantime, Aalto should work for you if you use Logic’s plugin manager to force it to run.  Sorry for the difficulty.

To get the new presets, you can use the demo installer, which does have them. Then install the release version over the demo.

The installer checks for existing stuff file by file, so it should never write over anything you might have in the Presets folders.

Sorry for the confusion.

Thanks for your support!

Several users and I have been running Aalto on Ableton Live 9.0.5 since its release. One person reports a repeatable problem that forces Live to quit with its "serious error" dialog. So if you are working with Aalto and a previous Live version, I recommend that you do not update to 9.0.5 right now. Stay tuned for news of an Aalto update.

The new Logic Pro X seems to be hosting Aalto well without any problems.

That’s the Live and Logic compatibility update.

[EDIT] The problems with Live 9.0.5 have only occurred on Mac OS X 10.7, as far as I know. So this problem may not come up on 10.8.