enduser282's Recent Posts

Yea it's subjective... maybe i sound harsh!

Regarding metering i mean the internal peaks before the final clipper, looks unintuitive because the waveform looks low vol but the clipper affects the sound a bunch, that's why i ask if it's working as intended , but anyway a bit on the trivial side of things, i'd actually like more gain in the output, it's rather silent.

About the filter non-linearity imho it would be a good addition to have on/off option like most modern softsynths and plenty of hw also! Just my feedback.

Also do you have a rough estimate of how many early access versions are planned?

Really unique synth especially in the sw realm and even more so in PC, thanks for creating this!

Thanks for the update, i like the sound quality overall very much but i'd like to point out the filter sounds harsh with high q and in general its better bypassed , eg. the preset "pads/gentle drift" sounds harsh, it's much better with filter res turned down , output mod at 3 o' clock (turned down) and clipper on... With that in mind & the cpu consumption , maybe it's a good idea for some modules like the filter and space fx to be able to turn off and disable completely to save cpu?

Also it seems gain staging affects the sound even with the final clipper off , from what i read its the filter section that also adds non-linearity , after that the output graph is far from clipping the edges , is it calibrated to show digital peaks clipping (and the filter should be driven using your ears)...?

Hi, i d really like to add Kaivo to my arsenal but there was no summer sales this year. Although i consider madrona labs very high quality sw , i m looking forward to that usual 30% off to help me with my studio expenses!
IMSTA maybe a good sale opportunity?


No worries.
Aalto is all over my tracks, remains one of my favs since its release and looking forward to trying Sumu as well.
All the best.

Hi Amazing synth. I wish the lfo could be key triggered, is there any chance to be included in a future upgrade?? (In cases where both envelopes are in seq mode). Also different lfo shapes would be nice.