ForumsSoftware ← Sumu is released!

No, for real. Enjoy. Feel free to post your getting started questions here, or as always email us at And thanks in advance for your patience while we handle a larger than usual volume of support emails.

Great news!!

Not sure if it's just me, but I have all previous Madrona Labs products but when I add the full bundle to my cart, it doesn't seem to automatically reduce the price from 379.

did you hit checkout? it doesn't seem to apply it for your account until the checkout page

congrats randy! this is very exciting for all of us i can't imagine how exciting is for you :)

yeah, i tried checkout, too.

@euanek are you logged in?

Also if you have all previous products, the bundle does not really apply.

just got it. it sounds amazing. really nice. different. and rich. can't wait to spend more time with it. congrats on release Randy! also, FYI i launched VUTU and it took priority of audio away from everything on my computer and i couldn't get any sound until i quit VUTU. no biggie just mentioning it in case someone else has same problem. anyway, SUMU sounds wonderful. really stoked to have it and hear what it can do. Nice manual also. nice presets too.

Playing with it for a few mins here, the sound and capabilities seem excellent but I can't get over the really loud and harsh white noise that repeatedly comes in and out in the demo. Currently dissuading me from continuing to play with the plugin. Any chance that can be toned down? Also, crashes on startup in FL Studio so had to pop it into Ableton Live.

Ah - I just emailed about the bundle deal too... So if you own everything else it's not really worth it? It gave me 20% off for owning Virta, but nothing else? Probably should clarify that somewheres...

Sail we must preset :)

ah okay, i wasn't sure if it would be like an extra loyalty discount or something.

Hello, when I add license to cart, it´s just showing error message:
We're sorry, but something went wrong.
We've been notified about this issue and we'll take a look at it shortly.
-edited- Ok, changed euros to dollars and it´s working now.

I can't get over the really loud and harsh white noise that repeatedly comes in and out in the demo. Currently dissuading me from continuing to play with the plugin. Any chance that can be toned down?

Thanks for the feedback, I'll turn it down in the next Early Access release.

There are a lot of people having issues with the calculation of the bundle and discounts for licenses they have. Thanks for your patience with us as we iron out the wrinkles—we'll have a look and revise this very soon.

No worries, stuff happens...

Not sure if this is the best place to report issues with the demo? I'm running it in Ableton Live 11, on an intel MacBook. There seems to be an issue with resizing the plugin, which ends up with it being zoomed in and not displaying the full plugin window. Also Live crashes when I hide and redisplay the plugin. I can send on a crash report if that helps?

Edit: it might be related to the fact that the plugin window opens on my laptop, and then I drag it over to a larger external display??

I am very excited to finally have Sumu and from an initial experiment it sounds and feels amazing. Congratulations.

Just bought Sumu and am excited to try things out! First stumbling block: I made an .utu file in Vutu, but when I pointed Sumu at the directory I made for my .utu files it coudn't find anything...

MacMini 2023 // Mac OS Sonoma 14.2.1

Gonecaving, I am having the same issue in Logic Pro 11.0, Sonoma 14.5. It helps a bit to initially open a different plugin, and then swap in Sumu. It still doesn't scale right, but it's better.

I hope there will be some tutorials soon, because I seem to be very good at tweaking it into silence, but not much else!

I have Aalto and Kaivo registered in my account but the discount only considers Kaivo and not both...

Sumu is too big when I open it on my MacBook Pro inside Logic. How can I resize it and make it smaller?

I'm having a similar problem as st0rml0rd when opening Sumu in SuperCollider 3.12 running the VSTPlugin host. There is no option to resize the GUI and the right side of the plugin remains inaccessible. I don't have this problem with Aalto running in VSTPlugin.

i can't pay for Sumu in EURO's, the payment gives an error.
if you want to pay in dollars, it works.

but i want to pay, in €....

and congratulations; although it is the early access; Sumu is finally out there!

it seems SOLVED!

I'm trying it but it still needs to be optimized a lot... uses too much CPU compared to any other plugin both in Windows and OS X environments (mac m2 / win i9 16 core)
the graphical interface is unstable and creates several crashes on Ableton Live 12
the noise of the demo is too debilitating, it makes you want to close it rather than test it..

Issues we hear and are working on:

  • demo noise too loud: we'll release a minor update within two weeks
  • EUR payments don't work: this should be fixed and deployed now!
  • Bundle discounts are confusing: we'll make the logic more clear and send out an email this week.
  • crashes on DAWs including Reaper, Cubase, FL: will fix for next update
  • too-big window size on some DAWs: will fix for next update

Sumu crashes Cubase 10.5, just to add to the chorus. Shame.

The next and prev patches buttons do not appear or only the next patch but this may have already been reported (VST 3 format with REASON 12).

Congratulations on the release!

I've already sent this over email but I'll add here for the sake of overview:

On my 2021 M1 Macbook Pro with 16 GB memory running Sonoma 14.4.1 and Ableton Live 11.3.25, the AU ramps up CPU usage in Ableton Live to 50% with one instance, and the VST3 results in a whopping 63%.

Setting voices to 4 in a simple patch results in 80% cpu usage, 16 voices and it goes to a constant 170–200% cpu, becoming unusable.

I know that an M1 Macbook Pro isn't the latest technology but it's by no means ancient, so I'm hoping this is not expected behaviour. Sumu sounds amazing but having to buy a new Macbook Pro over it, even for me, is a bridge too far ;-)

(I reported the VST3 sound wasn't working; that seems to have been user error.)

Hi Randy -

Just downloaded the Windows eval version and tried hosting it both in Komplete Kontrol and Cubase 13 (latest patch). In both cases, the Sumu window starts to draw, and then the app poofs away without a sign - e.g. no access violation dialog or similar. Just poof.

Machine and OS specifics below (I see that you already noted the Cubase problem).

-- Todd

Device name DESKTOP-TODD
Processor AMD Ryzen 7 5800X 8-Core Processor 3.80 GHz
Installed RAM 32.0 GB

Edition Windows 11 Pro
Version 22H2
Installed on ‎7/‎13/‎2023
OS build 22621.3447
Experience Windows Feature Experience Pack 1000.22688.1000.0

Sumu is too big when I open it on my MacBook Pro inside Logic. How can I resize it and make it smaller?

The resizer is in the bottom right corner. If it can’t be moved onscreen, then hopefully you can resize your screen resolution and / or rearrange displays as a workaround. Once you have the size you want, be sure to save it in your DAW and it should open at your chosen size from then on.

Or if none of this works, we’ll update soon.

Will Vutu ever be integrated into Sumu's UI?

[edit] Oh and thank you for looking into the demo noise.