I apologize in advance if this question seems elementary or noobish, but I've been trying to wrap my head around the values output by the Sequencers in Aalto and Kaivo. I'm coming from a non-modular background, so even thought I love playing with Aalto and Kaivo, and have been for quite a while, this question has persisted.
I understand that the output of the Sequencers can be constrained/quantized to certain keys, and that the most obvious use of the module is to create melodies, etc. But what exactly "happens" when I patch the output of the Sequencer to a parameter that is not "scaled" (pun intended?) to musical scales? For example, what "happens" when I patch the output of the Sequencer to the nonlin or in pos. parameters? Is there internal scaling or attenuation that makes the output of the Sequencer somehow "make sense" for the parameter to which it is patched?
It's possible I'm missing something fundamental, so please edumacate me.
Thanks in advance for any responses!
The sequencer's output is quantized inside the sequencer module. So this same quantized signal is the one that is sent to the oscillator pitch, or any other parameter.
All the quantizing is designed around a 1.0 / octave system. This means that a change of 1.0 in the value of the signal will produce a one octave change in the pitch. For example, 0 = A3, 1.0 = A4, 2.0 = A5. The oscillator pitch input is set to 1.0 / octave if the pitch input attenuverter (little dial) is set to its default.
While you can send the quantized signal to other things, quantizing doesn't "make sense" for most parameters in the way it does for pitch.
Thanks for responding, Randy!
So if the output of the Sequencer is not quantized/left unquantized, what happens then? My assumption is that it's no longer based on a 1.0/octave system -- is that correct? What would be the "scale" then?
The values are always on a 1.0/octave system. If they are quantized, they will only fall on the notes of the scale you pick. If not quantized, they can represent any pitch. Either way, the 1.0 / octave system is used.
Think of it this way: 1.0 / octave is the scale of pitch measurement, just like feet or meters are scales of distance measurement. A signal in the patcher has no meaning, it's just a number. Let's say it's 2. Then patching that 2 to a pitch input gives it the meaning A5.
Ok, thanks, Randy. The more I read your responses, experiment and reread the manual, I think I'm starting to "get it" (or at least stop overthinking it...).