randy's Recent Posts
@nichttuntun please give me more information about what happens on these hosts that prevents it from being inserted. You see the plugin in a menu and try to insert it—what happens instead?
also, I'm afraid I don't have either one of these VST hosts—which is not your fault—but is there a chance you have one I do have, so we can test the same thing and see if it is specific to those DAWs? I test in Ableton Live, Bitwig, Reaper, and FL Studio on Windows.
Hi @avantronica,
As you found, rebooting is sometimes needed to get new AUs to install properly. Nobody I know has a good solution.
The demo noise didn't seem too loud to me—that wasn't my intention. I can make it softer.
As noted above I plan to add a popup patch browser. Not sure about version 2.0.0, but this will definitely be needed for Sumu, and I'll add it to Aaltoverb as well.
I'm waiting for a 2022 Mini also, I hope they will show it next week!
With the few presets available with Aaltoverb the scrolling through presets isn't too problematic, though I can imagine if a preset list grows considerably (like my Kaivo and Aalto preset list), scrolling through presets as per this Aaltoverb beta method will take a while. Maybe the click and hold paradigm could be extended here so when you click and hold on the preset list a preset menu pops up ?
I'll be adding this at some point. For Aaltoverb I reasoned that people aren't likely to have too many presets around.
Thanks for the other info, these are things I will fix.
Overall I am very appreciative of everyone's interest. In the post above I broke with what I usually do and gave a big preview. I got some good feedback from it that is helping my morale! I also knew it might make people impatient, if I couldn't release soon.
The Aaltoverb release was a big update because it means now all the common UI things are done. I still have the Sumu-specific UI elements to finish and if anything is looking exciting I might show previews of these before they are in beta. Same with good-sounding audio clips when I get them.
Right now I'm taking a few days off coding. If I type too much for too many days in a row my wrist tendons just kind of lock up and don't let me type any more. And yes, I've tried braces and ergo keyboards. What helps is not typing for too many hours/days in a row. And, oddly enough, running seems to help. I have a harder time making myself get out there for a run in the winter, though.
Thanks for the thoughts @enkerli. I'm working to make one set of behaviors that will work on tablets as well as laptops going forward. This may help explain some of the decisions like click-and-hold. I hadn't considered a two-fingered tap. I'll give it a try.
@andreya.ek.frisk thank you!
@angy @klangfuchs the GUI requires Metal and this will work on some but not all 10.13 machines. ANy machine running 10.14 or higher is guaranteed to have Metal. I plan to work on an OpenGL version for Mac.
@maserna I'm going to fix the Windows installer to overwrite pervious verisons. Meanwhile you can remove the VST3 file from C:\Program Files\Common Files\VST3 and run the v1 installer (from the product page) to get v1 back.
thanks @atelierminceur.
I should probably just never say dates—since there's only one of me, illness burnout or family emergencies can completely throw off my estimates. But on the other hand I do want to communicate what my plans are.
I'm still shooting for this spring on a Sumu beta.
I can say with a confidence that the Aaltoverb beta will be out later today.
That link came up "topic not found." Anyway I've heard of the CLAP initiative and I'll be happy to support it.
Yes, this is why I'm migrating all the plugins from VST2 to VST3.
Here's a new tutorial on how to get your Windows VST plugins like Aalto running on Arch Manjaro Linux: https://madskjeldgaard.dk/posts/vst-manager/
Thanks to Carl Testa for sharing this!
No news on a native port for now. I'd love to work on it but I have other things to finish first!
That's correct, I have not released native arm versions of these plugins yet. I can get to this work after Sumu ships or is at least in beta.
I don't even have a target date right now but I will be working on it after Sumu.
Thanks for writing. More than a few people have asked me over the years. My understanding is still that the overlap of Pro Tools people with "boutique soft synth" people is not very big.
I'm shooting for a beta in January.
thank you! I"m getting there.
I was working hard to get it out last week but got sick and now it's Christmas eve all of a sudden. More soon, then, after a little break. Happy Holidays.
From now until December 15, all our software is 30% off. Thanks for helping us navigate 2021!
There's no code to enter for the sale this time. A code is kind of fun. But on the other hand there are always some people who don't realize there's a code, or have trouble entering it, etc. So, the discounts are now getting applied automatically at checkout until the sale ends.
Also, we've added more ways to pay on the site. You can now choose Euros instead of USD at checkout. This opens up a range of payment options people have been asking for, especially where credit cards are not as common. These include SOFORT, giropay, SEPA Direct Debut, iDeal, Bancontact, Przelewy24, and EPS.
Stay tuned for more info on Sumu and on the Aaltoverb 2 public beta coming next week!
Thanks for offering, I appreciate it. I'm shooting for January.
Thanks for the kind words.
@fneeee Thanks for your support!
much better, thanks!
this is not much but it's what I have:
file specs:
44, 48 or 96 kHz
1-4 channels
16 seconds long or less.
I use Audacity to put the multichannel files together. It's free and works reasonably well for this task. I use Logic to do any fancy editing or EQ, bounce each track, and simply put them together in Audacity. You may have your own good way of making multi-channel WAVs to your specifications, but if not, here's how to do it in Audacity:
To stitch files in Audacity:
First: set up custom Export in Audacity by selecting Preferences -> Import/Export -> Use Custom Mix.
then for each palette you go:
- New file (cmd-N)
- Import multiple (cmd-shift-I)
- select the tracks you want to include in the palette. Having them named already so they alphabetize from low channel to high channel will make this easier because they appear in the right order.
- for each track: if it is Stereo, click its drop-down menu and select "Split Stereo Track" then click the "X" to throw away one. You want 2-4 mono tracks. I always have to do this because Logic won't export mono files as far as I can tell.
- do any fade-ins/outs you want by selecting all tracks and "Effects…"
- select Export (cmd-shift-E) and name the output.
- The export dialog comes up with lines connecting tracks and output tracks. You can use this dialog to direct tracks to output tracks, and select the number of output tracks, but I find it a little fiddly so for me it is easier to just to the Split Stereo Track thing beforehand.
Again, there might be easier ways now!
OK, things can always change if I hear about a more general need for a feature. Meanwhile I try to keep things as simple as possible.
The dial at left is the usual MIDI pitch bend range. The menu at right should control the MPE pitch bend range. So setting the octave range to 0 will turn off MPE per-note pitch bend.
There are a few choices people have made for MPE pitch bend range. The intent of the menu is to make the synth compatible with the different environments. A one-octave bend range offers quite a lot of precision. How much? Let's see: an octave is split into 16k pitch values, so roughly 1.3k steps per semitone or 0.075 cent.
If you need to get more precise, you could use the usual MIDI pitch bend monophonically or in unison mode wiht a smaller range.
I'll add ARM support for all the plugins over the coming year.